Thursday, September 5, 2013

Portland Maine On Labor Day Weekend-A Photographic Record

        Portland is the largest city in the state of Maine. I have visited there with a degree of regularity with my family and on a single occasion with my ex-boyfriend for at least the past twenty-five years. Much as is true of any major urban area,the atmosphere of Portland is constantly changing. The faces are as different as the storefronts often times. Yet as illustrated in this photograph,there are scenes that I can clearly remember changing very little in that two decade span of time. What your about to see is this city on the first day of September,2013. Eight images from half that many hours-scenes old,remembered,new and often surprising.

 *This was the first photo I took upon arriving in the city. Somehow I was struck by the contrast of the old concrete building and the freshly painted appearance of the staircase-especially it's white hue. As with many photographers the contrasts between old and new as well as Earthy and primary colors is greatly interesting to me. Never saw any spectral crime in "photographic painting". I view a photograph similar to how I'd view a canvas. The difference is how you paint the picture.
                   *This image was particularly interesting to me because of it's contrasts. In the 19th century the practice of phrenology was still accepted as part of then contemporary societies incomplete psychiatric understanding. Of course our psychiatric understanding is even less complete today so many people turn to the metaphysical for that sort of guidance. Couldn't resist the symbols for both standing side by side.

*One of the truly unique aspects of photography is it's ability to reinterpret characterizations realistically. I don't know this man,nor did I show his face. But something about his manner of attire and general attitude-even seeing him for a few short seconds, bought to mind LL Cool J in my eyes. He was actually sleeping. And I didn't know his situation. But that is one of the wonderful things about candid photography: one person,place or thing can evoke another.

        *Considering the inner bravery that I have to bring up from within for candid portraiture-considering modern societies obsession with creative litigation,there are many occasions where the back of a person,when looking forward with the camera lens as a strange third eye in back of them,reveals a very different emotional state in the subject that wouldn't be present looking straight on into their face.
                     *Although the beginning of September is nowhere near the end of summer seasonally,the corporate end of the season begins after Labor Day Weekend. Children begin returning to public school if they go. Older students return to universities. And vacationers who come to summer in Maine return to their respective homes. This rack of T-Shirts of many colors,likely being liquidated for the holiday weekend,are to me the perfect symbol of coastal New England capitalism as they can generally only be worn for less than half of the year in this particular area.
*Onto human contrasts,this park downtown is usually reserved for buskers and jugglers. In short,artistic oriented people. So just as I was getting ready to leave Portland that day,for the first time in my life I noticed that this Sunday had bought out a very different presence into this park: a neo con preacher who was testifying fire and brimstone fundamentalist Christianity for an audience of exactly two people. n is usually reserved for buskers and jugglers. In short,artistic oriented people. So just as I was getting ready to leave Portland that day,for the first time in my life I noticed that this Sunday had bought out a very different presence into this park: a neo con preacher who was testifying fire and brimstone fundamentalist Christianity for an audience of exactly two people. While representing a stereotypically parochial and closed minded outlook...

....there was this female couple assume complete equality of person,strolling along the streets of downtown Portland hand in hand. It was a wonderful sight to see in person a right once denied (and not so long ago mind you) exercised with complete confidence before the world. And made me feel all the happier that this state at least has broadened it's perception of love to include same sex nuptials and relationships.
        *So there you have it. One persons experience in one not so out of the ordinary city. Yet seeing occasionally extraordinary things unfolding around him. Some are mundane and everyday, others might even be history making. Many Labor Day Weekend's have come and gone. And honestly this year represented a personally trying time in my own personal life. But for most others around, it represented a good deal of positive change.

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