Sunday, June 14, 2015

Central Maine Pride,Alive!

               Today was the first, and hopefully annual, Central Maine Pride Festival. Taking place in the Veterans Memorial Park across from the local public library? The event was relatively small. But showcased the 2010's era LGBT public event mentality in the most effective way I've witnessed in a long time. Without a huge amount of attendees? Gay men and woman as well as transgender individuals all dealt with their differences as being perfectly natural. And a cause to celebrate,eat sing and even (as with myself) have their faces painted. Enjoy these images of a first for the city of my birth.


  1. Please, we are transgender people, not transgendered. Please take the time to peruse GLAAD's Transgender Media Guide, for more information.

    Thank you,
    Davida, Maine Transgender Lobby

    1. Wanted to let you know that I changed the content of the blog to use toe correct terminology. Speaking as an out and proud homosexual man? Trust me that no offense was intended. Rather the reverse. In fact? I am a long history of being one whose openly defended transgender individuals from some cross dressers who insist on poking fun at them. It's an internal struggle that is more appropriate to take as it is,not to pretend to fully understand at least not right off. I'll be more than happy to check out your website.

      Thank you,
